The main route of transmission of the new coronavirus is the spread of respiratory droplets. In protective equipment, the role of masks is irreplaceable. It can be said that the correctness of wearing a mask is directly related to the success or failure of protection. However, there are certain requirements for wearing masks, especially N95 protective masks. It does not mean that with N95 masks, everything is fine. Incorrect wearing is equivalent to invalid protection.
Common errors are sorted as follows:
The first error: N95 mask lined with a non-woven mask.
N95 masks are required to fit completely with the face, so as to ensure that the breathing air is filtered through the mask. As a man, the beard must be shaved. If a layer of mask is lined inside, it will affect the airtightness of the mask and cause protection failure.
If you really feel uneasy, you must add a layer of non-woven mask, then add it outside the N95 mask.
The second error: the metal nose clip was not pressed properly.
The metal nose clip on the N95 mask is an important part to ensure air tightness. The face of the person is uneven on the bridge of the nose. The metal nose clip can hold the mask against the face to ensure air tightness. If there is a leak at the nose clip, such protection is ineffective!
There are also tips for pressing the metal nose clip. It is necessary to press the index fingers of both hands with pressure to the face at the same time to ensure the balance of the strength on both sides. Pressing with one hand will cause an imbalance in the strength on both sides and will also affect air tightness.
The third error: touch the outer surface of the mask with your hand
The function of the mask is to filter virus particles. After wearing the mask and entering the polluted area, the pathogens in the air will be adsorbed on the outer surface of the mask as our breath filters. After the work is completed, the mask should be regarded as a serious pollutant. Never touch the outer surface of the mask with the hand when the buffer zone is unloaded. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to bring the masks in the contaminated area to the clean area.